Flourish Package

The Flourish Package is deisgned to give you bi-weekly check-ins which will give you the reassurance of access to your Nutritional Therapist on a regular basis whilst allowing you to have the freedom to integrate the changes into your life.

What’s included

1 x 90 Minute Consultation

During our consultation we will discuss the information you will have provided on your intake questionnaire, food diary and I will gather any other information I feel relevant to fine tune your personalised recommendations. We will go through your personalised recommendations based on all of the information gathered and agree the foundation of your 12 week plan to address your specific concerns. We will focus on food, lifestyle and anything else I think may be advantageous to you achieving your goals!

2 x 60 Minute Follow Up Sessions

Follow up consultations are a time to review and reflect over the progress made over the previous weeks. At this time any improvements or changes will be made based on the symptoms discussed at your first consultation. During these sessions any amendments needed will be made. The follow up sessions will be on week 4 and 8 of the 12 week package. This will allow you time to implement the nutrition and lifestyle recommendations.

3 x 30 Minute Check-In Session

During these sessions we will check on progress to date. We will make any adjustments or amendments to the plan to make sure that things are moving in the right direction. The check-in sessions will be on week 2, 6 and 10 of the 12 week package.

1 x 30 Minute Wrap Up Session

During this consultation we will discuss how to move forward and conclude any protocol. In addition I will give you advice for maintaining the results achieved. I want you to feel your very best long after we finish working together.

Additional Support

Recipes tailored to your individual dietary needs and information sheets. Discount on certain supplements (subject to individual requirements, availability and location). Advice on functional testing or adjunctive therapies / activities which may be supportive of your desired goals.


Independence Package


Helping Hand Package